Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik GmbH
Josef-Kühnl-Weg 1 - 5
91413 Neustadt/Aisch, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0)9161-660-660
Fax: +49 (0)9161-660-88
Director: René Ender
The company is a limited liability company with registered Offices in Neustadt/Aisch, Germany,
Court of Registration: Fürth/Bavaria HR B 6675.
VAT-ID-Nr.: DE 133 931 333
Content The content on this website was carefully prepared and checked. The currency, correctness and completeness of the information presented cannot, however, be guaranteed. Under the terms of §7 Par. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company, as a service provider, is liable for "proprietary" content made available for use on this website in accordance with general statutory provisions. For "third-party" content in the sense of §§8,9 German Telemedia Act, the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company, as a service provider, shall be liable only after becoming aware of a concrete legal violation.
References Cross-references (Links) made available on this website are to be distinguished from the proprietary content provided by the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company. In particular, they constitute thirdparty content. During initial establishment of the link, the said third-party content was checked for potential civil or criminal liability arising from it. It cannot, however, be excluded that the content has been or will be subsequently modified by the corresponding providers. The Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company is not required to check this content repeatedly for changes which could imply a liability. Thus, the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company is not responsible for the content of linked websites as a matter of principle. The service providers of the linked websites are exclusively responsible for the content of their websites. If the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company determines, or is made aware of, a civil or criminal liability deriving from a link established by it, the link will be removed, provided that this is technically and reasonably possible.
Copyright Notice All texts, photographs, graphical images and the like used on this website are copyright. Where the intention is to make use of parts of the website, a request shall be made to The Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company will then contact the originator/licensor as appropriate. Use of parts of the website shall require explicit agreement by the Fränkische Bettwarenfabrik company or the originator/licensor as appropriate.